HigherMe is one of the premier technology solutions for hourly worker hiring in the United States and Canada. They build products that allow for employers to cut through the clutter and find great reliable people to help run their businesses. They provide a suite of software tools that improve efficiency and reduce turnover, and in turn, give the ability to quickly and consistently hire better quality employees.

As part of the new product offering, HigherMe aimed to give hourly employees more flexibility with their hard earned money and when they can receive it. From this idea came WageTree, a powerful tool that would allow employees to get paid on shifts they have already worked immediately instead of waiting for the standard payday.
The HigherMe team reached out to HatFactory to make their vision a reality. We produced an easy-to-use desktop application, built with mobile in mind, that could give hourly workers more power over their pay checks.

The idea of taking out a small loan on the amount of money you have earned from your job is a confusing concept to relay in 1 or 2 sentences. Becasue of this, it was important for us to breakdown the operational process from the sign-up page to the step by step instructional flow. Keeping the userbase in mind, explaining the product simply and thoroughly was a process of balance.

With WageTree, users can upload their timesheets from a single day of work and get paid immediately. If a user wants to include more than one timesheet they have the ability to upload multiple over a 2 week span. This gives users control over how much and when they want to get paid. We designed WageTree to assist users with keeping track of their accrued hours and any other relevant information related to making a transaction.

Simply take a picture of your timesheet, enter your hourly wage along with the number of hours you worked for your shift, and WageTree will automatically calculate your payment. Just “click” Submit and your money is ready to transfer!

When your ready to submit your timesheets for an early transaction, it’s as easy as pushing a button. We structured the transaction process to be as simple as possible, and pulled inspiration from recent online banking design innovations. Review the information provided in the panel summary and click “Submit Transaction” and you’re finished. *Drops mic*
We were able to deliver an easy solution for hourly employees to take advantage of their paychecks and get paid when they want to. With our team focusing on clear UX and clean design, we created a powerful app for organizations and individuals to utilize. This will add to the already powerful product suite HigherMe has available for consumers.
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